Class Information & Forms
Please print and complete the forms below. You may email the forms to or bring them to your student's first class. Siblings may share forms- Please list each sibling's fist and last name on the form. These forms are required by Kid Creative to have on-hand with the Teacher during any class instruction. All information is held completely confidential and all student files are held for the duration of the class.

Class Information
Dear Families,
Welcome! We are thrilled you will be spending part of your semester with us at Kid Creative! As your first class is just around the corner- we want to touch base with you all and give you some important information about our classes.
1. Parents must walk their students to the class and sign them in and out.
A student will not be permitted to participate unless their parent has signed them in. When class is finished- students will not be permitted to “find their parent or meet their parent” somewhere in the park. All students will be required to stay with the teacher until their parent has come to sign them out of class.
Families may arrive 10 minutes early our first day to sign-in and hand in your emergency forms!
2. All class materials will be provided for each student however Students are required to bring a labeled bottle of water. Please have students wear appropriate clothing for class.
3. The park bathrooms are located next to the sport field and parking lot. Students will not be permitted to walk to the bathrooms unaccompanied. Students will walk with a teacher to the bathrooms if needed. We encourage students to use the restroom before class- as the walk would take time out of class.
4. No email reminders will be sent. Please add your enrolled classes to your calendars.
5. Refund Policy:
Due to the extensive amount of work our teachers invest into these classes, and to our waiting list families, we will not be able to offer refunds 3 days prior to the event. If you will not be able to attend please notify us within 3 days before the event. If you are enrolling in a multi-week class please know that make-up days are not available for missed classes. You may arrange a private class which is subject to the availability of Kid Creative teachers and scheduling.
6. NEW Payment Policy for 2021-
We require all payments to be received three days prior to the scheduled class to retain your space in class. If you are using charter funds, we require the P.O. voucher or a correspondence from your Teacher/E.S. with the voucher number and date it was submitted, at least three days prior to the scheduled class. Please work with your school teachers to confirm they have sent in payment vouchers!
If payment/teacher correspondence is not received 3-days prior to class, the space will be given to a student on our waiting lists.
Private Payments may be sent via pay-pal to
We are making these changes due to the increased number of waiting list families and to avoid "no-shows" which keep waiting list families from attending.
7. Kid Creative Policy on Code of Conduct: Please read with your student before attending.
We want every student to have the experience they expected to have. Our code of conduct for class is to ensure this is achievable.
1. I will participate in the class the best I can and listen to the teachers and my peers so we can all have a great experience.
2. I will notify my teacher if I need anything.
3. I will stay with my class and not leave my classroom without permission.
4. I will use language that is respectful of others around me including refraining from using foul language, or saying inappropriate jokes.
5. I will raise my hand to speak so that I do not interrupt my teacher or my peers, if they are talking.
If a student is being overly disruptive, impolite or offensive to their classmates or teacher the student will not be allowed to participate further. We will notify their parent/guardian to please pick up their student. (This has never occurred in our classes but we keep this policy for the protection of all students who are in attendance.)
8. Location: 38°23'34.9"N 121°22'35.3"W
The sign-in table will be located near the highlighted baseball diamond titled "yellow" and the parking lot and restrooms are located NW from of the field.
All is highlighted on the map below.

We look forward to a wonderful class with your Students!
Please get in touch if you have any questions!
We will see you very soon!
Best Regards,
The Kid Creative Team